We are a warm-hearted growing country church with a big impact in our community. Our heritage is Wesleyan, we were founded in 1837 as a group of 14 people meeting in a local barn. We never forget our humble beginnings, and we remember the importance of working together in love and harmony. Our worship services are weekly celebrations of our heritage, all thanks to God’s infinite grace and love. We don’t just say we are friendly, we are friendly, and we are intentional and radical about welcoming new people. Our goal is to make everyone who comes here feel as if they are coming home…and they are! We are all part of God’s family here at Springville. Why not check us out? We would love to have you join us for a spirited traditional and today-relevant Bible based worship on Sunday mornings at 9:15. You’ll be glad you did!
Our Team

Michelle McCalla

Caleb Gwinner
Technology Lead